Sketch material
[Classification: notated music, manuscript, autograph, short score, sketch]
2 folios of short-score pencil sketches headed 'Slow movement - symphonie'. Fenby has added the note 'Poem of Life and Love - sketch rejected'.
Autograph score (incomplete)
[Classification: notated music, manuscript, autograph, score, fair copy, fragment]
Title page: Poem of Life and Love|for Orchestra|Frederick Delius|1918
This item contains i) the incomplete autograph score, in ink and pencil, with many deletions and alterations ii) Jelka Delius's fair copy in ink (also incomplete), headed 'Copy of original MSS. of A Poem of Life and Love in Jelka Delius's hand. Eric Fenby' and iii) photostat copies of material in the Bodleian Library with Delius's covering letter to Michael E. Sadler (dated 26 May 1930) when he presented the material. What Delius introduces as 'a sketch for my latest orchestral work "A Song of Summer"', numbered pp. 12-15 by Fenby, was originally pp. 44-7 (numbered by Delius) of the autograph score of Poem of Life and Love. Lowe states that Jelka Delius's copy was based on more than one version of the work, having been made, according to Fenby, when Jelka and Balfour Gardiner were seeking to help Delius in the face of his increasing disability (RL, 98).
Autograph fragments
[Classification: notated music, manuscript, autograph, score, fair copy, fragment]
This item contains i) miscellaneous sketches for piano arrangements in the hands of Eric Fenby and Balfour Gardiner ii) pp. 32-43 of the autograph score, in Delius's hand and iii) a fragment of Jelka's copy of the autograph score.
Autograph score (Bodleian fragment)
[Classification: notated music, manuscript, autograph, score, fragment]
Pages 44-47 of the autograph score.
GB-Ob (Bodleian Library, Oxford) Western MSS, Don. b. 2.
Arrangements and dictation
[Classification: notated music, manuscript, copy, short score]
Arranger: H. Balfour Gardiner; Eric Fenby
While in general, manuscripts relating to arrangements by others are listed in the Appendix, this item is of particular interest as it forms the basis of Fenby and Delius's work by dictation, and incorporates an incomplete solo piano arrangement dictated to Fenby by Delius. The manuscript contains i) an arrangement of the work for two pianos in the hand of Balfour Gardiner, black ink, 1928; ii) a copy of the arrangement in the hand of Balfour Gardiner, completed by Fenby, 1928. This is headed 'Arrangement by Balfour Gardiner in 1928 of "A Poem of Life and Love" made to be ready for my arrival at Grez that year to form the basis of our first work by dictation. Most of this work was rejected and the material used for A Song of Summer. Eric Fenby.'; iii) solo piano arrangement of selected material dictated to Fenby by Delius in blue ink, with deletions and corrections in pencil, red crayon and black ink.
Collected Edition
[Classification: notated music, print, score, first edition, complete]
Editor: Robert Threlfall
Boosey & Hawkes, London 1997.