Frederick Delius
A Late Lark
Die Lerche am Abend
DCW 67
DCE 15b
Composer: Frederick Delius
Author: William Ernest Henley
Translator: Jelka Delius
Scribe: Eric Fenby
Delius's last orchestral song is a setting of a poem from William Ernest Henley's Life and Death (Echoes). Like Cynara, it was completed with the help of Fenby for Beecham's 1929 Delius Festival, having originally been drafted with Jelka's help in 1924. Though the draft score from this original composition process is lost, Jelka wrote to Percy Grainger in January 1924 mentioning progress on the work (RT, 82; RT.1986, 47). Fenby himself indicated that 'There were one or two minor adjustments to be made before it finally satisfied him, and several lines in the voice part which had yet to be filled in; this he did by dictation' (Eric Fenby, Delius As I Knew Him, 71).
Composition: Between 1924 and 1929.
Last changed 2020-10-26T14:17:05+00:00